Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kid's Camp

MIA Kid's Camp 2009

On Friday afternoon the jeep, crammed with supplies (and us somewhere between it all) began up the mountains for our first Kids Camp in Cebu. It was an uphill journey in the baking heat through the mountains to carry up all the water and food we would need, not to mention the prizes! With no shower for the whole weekend (apart from a very small pail of rain water every now and again) it was a very smelly and sweaty start to a truly brilliant weekend.

On Friday evening, after setting up, explaining the rules and some chicken and rice, we set up a camp fire and sung worship songs and told stories. Afterwards 40 exhausted kids all settled down for a night in the school we where using. It's in the middle of the jungle on the top of a mountain, perfect place for a camping trip!! They all seemed very excited to be in the there we had an amazing view of the valley below and if felt very isolated. Most of the staff bunked in tents, it was a LONG night!!!!

The next day we could begin the fun and games. Each member of the leaders were in charge of a game, either a group game (like Amy's blindfold relay race) or a stage game (Max's eat the donut on the string). Suffice it to say the children enthusiastically took part. One stage game I did is 'Feel the disgusting thing in the bowl and guess'. On the video you see the baked beans being revealed, there was also spaghetti and cornflakes.

After the games, and some songs, it was time for the drama. We based each 1.5 hour session on a chapter from the life of David. We performed a drama to briefly outline each story, which frankly would have won several Tony awards if the right people were there, but this was for the kids, it wasn't for us. Highlights include Max as Goliath, rampaging through the audience wielding the traditional light-saber, Joss as David, and Tim, Michael and Ren Ren as David's cowardly brothers (inexplicably all Filipino unlike David.) I got the thrill of reliving my Year 6 role of the needlessly evil king in the guise of King Saul. I wore some underwear on my head as a crown and hammed it up massively.

After the drama Emily asked the children some questions about it, and we had some activities such as painting and making a jigsaw piece to fit in with the teaching.

The food was delicious, although I did have chicken and rice for three nights running (including Sunday night when we got home). God bless you Ate Flor, and your knowledge of cuisine. The children were clearly thrilled since it is not often they get a proper meal. They ate loads of snacks and juice too which even I was too full to eat.

On Saturday night the kids shared some testimonies which was great. They were all so thankful for this weekend and were so adamant about wanting to stick to the right path and leave the drugs alone, even get a job for the older ones.

On Sunday morning I awoke to many children clamoring around my bed, pointing and laughing. After several minutes of ridicule, I was handed a mirror: my face was considerably marked with charcoal. It was Micheal's (the MIA social worker) prank during the night. I found it very funny and it was nothing a wet wipe couldn't fix. Indeed, everyone had been similarly afflicted.

After more sessions and games, it was finally time for the prize giving. The points were sooooooo close: 32, 32, 33 and 33! So a heads and tails game was played to find the winning team - it was Spartan. Prizes were distributed but of course there was more than enough for everyone to have their pick - and the most common choice was the hand puppets!

The kids were so grateful for the time that they had had, and unlike other camps I've assisted at, many of the children thanked us all personally and it seemed like it had really made a lasting impression on them. As always, the children were all so willing to help clear up and clean, which made the process (even under the rain) go very quickly and easily.

They are already asking us when we can do it again!!!

Jeff Carpenter - Team Gap